Silvretta ski tour • March 15 - 20, 2014

We got back to the Silvretta region this year with some old friends and new; Diana and Marcus Collie from Ireland, Terry Fisher, Andy Krumpe and Carla Contarino from New England; David Strauss and Judith Swain from Seattle, and Silas Ostaff, currently living in Stuttgart, Germany.

Other Trips with some of these folks

Diana and Marcus - Berner - May 2010
Diana and Marcus - Ortler - April 2009
Diana and Marcus - Chamonix - Jan 2009

Terry - Albula - March 2013
Terry - Berner - May 2008
Terry - Haute Route - April 2007

Carla and Andy - Zermatt - Aug 2011

Return to all recent trip


Our first day was a test of our mettle. Not too many photos were taken, we were too busy dealing with epic ski area crowds, icy slopes, poor visibility and high winds! A picture never lies, this is what we battled with to get to the Heidelberger hut.


The hut, once we reached it, was all the more appreciated for the adventure of getting there.


The following morning the clouds were still there, but the wind was down and a bit of snow had fallen, softening the worst of the frozen snow we had survived the afternoon previous. Leaving the hut, from left to right we are Mark, David, Marcus, Judith, Carla, Andy, and Terry.


And then, just as we reached our high point at the Krone Joch pass, the wind picked up fierce and cold again, trying to push us back to where we came from. Ripping skins in the howling gale was the challenge of the day.


But once over the crest of the ridge, the winds died again and we had some really nice snow and slopes to ski down to the Jamtal hut.


Enjoying the comfort of the Jamtal hut and some yummy "knodel soup".


The massive Jamtal hut in the next morning's bright sunshine.


At last a fine day! We headed up to the Hintere Jamspitze. New snow from the day before has barely been tracked.


Sharing the summit of the Hintere Jamspitze with other revelers.


Climbing back down to our skis, and the view of our ski descent stretches before us.


This is more what we had been hoping for! Excellent snow for us to sign our names in.


Refreshement back at the hut.


The following day we headed over to the Wiesbadener hut. On our way, we have one more chance to gloat over the tracks of our previous day's descent!


Nearing the Obere Ochsenscharte.


We climbed up a little above the pass, to get more skiing in for those not climbing the Dreiländerspitze.


Terry and Silas high on the Dreiländerspitze.


The summit!


Back at the "ranch", the map comes out to re-live the trail traveled, and plan the next days.


A gentleman hauled his alpenhorn all the way up to the hut to entertain us!


Another murky day for our attempt to ski up to the Piz Buin. It was forecast to clear by afternoon, but we started out in the fog to try and be reasonably far along by the time the sun should decide to show its face.


Navigation was if not tricky, at least quite slow in the thick mists.


Very steep and firm slopes with little chance to assess the safety of what lay below, nor the duration of what lay above, convinced us to turn around before reaching the glacier basin below the peak.


As we retreated, the sun did finally make its appearance, as forecast.


We took advantage of the improvement to get up to the Vermunt Pass.


From the pass.


An old border-post shed serves as an emergency shelter, and for us a welcome wind-break.


After a great descent, we sun ourselves on the Wiesbadener veranda once more.


The following day, our last, Mark, Terry and Silas headed up early to climb Piz Buin in the morning before the long ski out to town. Windy again up high, but good weather.


Reaching the col and the ski depot.


Steep snow slopes but a good track for the climb.


On the top once more!


Descending the rock section of the climb.


Meanwhile, Kathy and the others left the hut a little bit later, hoping for softer snow conditions for the descent.


It was not to be. A cold wind kept things icy for the skin up above the hut.


Reaching the high point above the Bielertal, we are ready to rip our skins for the last time.


Though sad to end an adventurous and eventful week with such a fun group, the ice cream at the end of the road went a long way to consoling us! Auf Wiedersehen, Silvretta!

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