Page #1 • Chamonix to Zermatt Haute Route • April 12 to 21, 2002

We have so many good photos of this trip we had to split them into two web pages.

Page #1 (this page)
Page #2

Another great trip! We all had a lot of fun the entire way, but I'll bet all of us will remember the incredible run down the Val d'Arpette for a long time. The snowy weather the first few days brought us incredible powder and wonderful skiing.

Other Recent Trips


The cast of characters...
Sam Shaw, David Ries, Jim Shaw and Ken Newton


The view from the top of the Grands Montets, the start of the tour.


Sam takes a photo of Dave, Jim and Kathy on our way down to the Argentière Glacier.


Day 2 of the tour had us climbing up through the mists to the Trient hut. Here we are climbing up to the Col du Chardonnet. It snowed off and on for much of the day and the following night.

A fine morning, at last, and after a good snowfall. Packing up and getting ready to go at the Trient hut.


Just below the Trient hut, heading for the Col des Ecandies and the Val d'Arpette.


Sam on the first shot down the Val d'Arpette.


Looking back up at our tracks. So nice.....

Jim in the Val d'Arpette.


Another view up the upper section of the Val d'Arpette.


Later that fine morning, we were enjoying coffee and tarte aux framboises in Champex.


A couple bus rides later and we were in Bourg-St-Pierre.


Just outside of Bourg-St-Pierre. We carry our skis until we reach snowline.


Climbing up through a narrow gorge on the way up to the Cabane de Valsorey.

Sam hams it up at the Valsorey hut. Mont Vélan in the background.


Ken and Dave at the Valsorey hut.


The following morning we climb up toward the Plateau du Couloir. Mont Blanc behind.

Skiing down from Le Sonadon, a short side trip above the Col du Sonadon.


The Chanrion hut, probably the nicest on the Classic Haute Route.


Continue on to Page #2.......

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