Mike Duker with Kathy • August 18 2017

Mike Duker managed to catch Kathy for a day before her departure for Wales. The climbed the ever classic Cosmiques Arête on a perfect day.

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High above it all.


Catching a couple of others at the cable car tunnel exit, as they begin whatever adventure they have planned.


And off we go!


Conditions on the ridge are particularly dry, but the track is good.


Near the start of our route, the relics of the former lift station are an interesting sight.


A little more than halfway through the climb, looking back at people finishing a crux section.


Beautiful rock, beautiful weather


Waiting our turn for the next and final crux section!


Dramatic moves! Not so easy here.


Nearing the top, things get more reasonable.


Mission accomplished!


Mike has conquered the final challenge of the ladder, now it's miller time. Thank you Mike!

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