Mark Battle Cosmiques Arête • August 19, 2016

Mark Battle took a break from work to join Kathy for a day climb in Chamonix.


The weather and conditions were perfect for an ascent of the Cosmiques Arête.


First step, exit the amazing ice tunnel out of the cable car station.


Second step, descend the exposed and icy east ridge of the Aiguille du Midi.


Rewarded by amazing views into Chamonix faaaar far below.


Getting underway on the ridge.


Near the first technical section, we catch up with the inevitable other climbers, who of course, like us, know it's a perfect day to climb this popular route!




Higher up on the route, we are again on our own.


In line yet again for the steep slab, the crux of the route.


On the home stretch now, in position for the "exit chimneys".


Again, we wait our turn.


We're in good company though with new friends strung up and down the mountain!


The last moves, with the Aiguille du Gouter of Mont Blanc behind.


A quick summit photo courtesy of our new friends....


Who show us the way home. It's not an elegant finish...


Our turn! Thanks Mark, I hope to share the rope with you again one day.

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