Jeffry Walker, 3 days in Chamonix • September 27 - 29, 2014

Jeffry Walker took a few (no vacation days used!) moments off from work in the Netherlands to join Mark for 3 days in the late season Alps. As luck would have it, conditions and weather were generally excellent.

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We took our first day for a Traverse of the Pointes Lachenal. Here, we are on the second "Pointe", with the third and hardest just behind us.


Looking at the third Pointe Lachenal with Mont Blanc du Tacul looming behind. We climbed a couple mixed pitches on the right side of this face to reach easier climbing and the summit

Mouse over (or double-click on your touch device) to see the line.


Jeffry exits from the chimney at the top of the second pitch on the third point.


Looking back towards the Aiguille du Midi, and our cable car ride down to the valley.


The next day we traversed the Aiguille d'Entreves (on the right) as well as the Aiguille du Toule (on the left).

Mouse over to see the routes.


The view looking back to the north and the Aiguille du Midi, taken on our way to the Entreves.


Climbers below the SE ridge of the Tour Ronde.


The Aiguille d'Entreves. We traverse the skyline ridge from right to left.


The technical section as we approach the summit.


Jeffry on the ridge, not far below the summit.


Exposed climbing on the crest.


The final moves to the top.


This picture was taken on our last day, but is looking back and shows our second day's climbing.

Mouse over to see the routes on the Entreves and the Toule.


Day three, the Goulotte Chere on the North Face Triangle of Mont Blanc du Tacul. The route is up the obvious ice gully. We climbed the first 4 pitches (the best of the route), then rappeled down.


Jeffry at the top of pitch 3.


And the finish of pitch 4.


Rappeling down.


The final rappel over the bergschrund. Other climbers can be seen in the gully above.


Back at the Aiguille du Midi, some hours later, I took this photo which shows the Triangle, on the left. Mouse over to see the line.


Safe and sound as tourists.

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