The Vacher family on and off piste around Chamonix • February 16 - 17, 2012

Kate and Piers Vacher and their daughter Millie came to Chamonix for a week of skiing, and asked Kathy along to show them around a bit.

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From left to right are Kate, Millie and Piers. They had already been skiing together for a few days before Kathy joined them, and having a great time in the fine weather.


We started off in Courmayeur, where the weather and snow were both great. A good lunch in a fine piste-side restaurant, and Millie is feeling her oats! (actually she had octopus, yummy!).

The next day we went to the top of the Grands Montets, twice. Negotiating the stairs from the lift station...

Millie had only just begun taking on black runs, and the top of the Grands Montets is as black as can be! Add in icy conditions and a bit of traffic mayhem, and it can be quite intimidating to an 11 year old just ratcheting up her game. But she took it in stride and seemed not even fazed.

Not just black, but bumpy and steep too! Legs starting to get a bit "worked", but Millie's still smiling.

We took a welcome break for a hot cocoa at the Refuge de Lognan, a cozy chalet restaurant with great food and views across the Arentière glacier.

From there, it's more steep off-piste bumps! Millie's negotiating them safely and skillfully.

Who would have thought at the beginning of the week that she would be tackling this terrain with such confidence.

Looks like enough is enough at last. It's closing time, and about time too!

The Vachers got to see and ski the whole mountain, I hope they'll be back for more one day!