Peter Harris and Mark Conner in the Swiss Alps • September 19-22, 2007

Mark Conner was back across the Channel from the U. K. with his friend Peter Harris, this time - for some climbing in the Saas Fee area with Kathy.

Other Recent Trips


Mark and Peter first climbed with Mark Houston last year; Mr. Conner was back with Mr. Houston in June with his OTHER friend Peter. So this is becoming a bit of a habit now... Here messieurs Conner and Harris finish up their time with Kathy on a high note, near the summit of the Allalinhorn.


We started out with a rock climb on the Jegihorn, above Saas Grund. Peter and Mark top out, with the Mischabel peaks as a dramatic back-drop.


Our next objective was the Alphubel, seen here in the center background. We left from Saas Fee this same afternoon (the village in the center of the photo) and took the cable car up to the Langflue hut in the early evening.


Being late in the season, we were nearly alone in the hut. The hut keepers prepared us an easy do-it-yourself dinner and breakfast, and headed down to town, leaving us to it!


Starting out in the dark the next morning (the stars were amazing), sunrise finds us halfway up the peak. The Allalinhorn catches the first light.


We pause for photos as the sun rises at last.


The glaciers are in extremely good traveling condition this year due to the heavy snowfalls and cool temperatures that have characterized the 2007 season, well filled in with thick, strong crevasse bridges. Still, you can always find a good, deep chasm like this if you go looking for one.


Near the summit, we get great views over to the Matterhorn and neighboring peaks above Zermatt.


Back at the Langflue hut, we have a quick coffee to steel us for the cable car ride back down to Saas Fee for a good meal, clean bed and hot shower.


On day 3 we broke up the 4000 meter fare with a little bit of pure fun and games—the Gorge Adventure! And what an adventure it is—several long zip-lines, an enormous Tarzan swing across the river, log bridges and cable traverses. Here, Mark disappears down a zip-line into a cave...


And for our final trick, a loooong lower off a wobbly hanging bridge, to terra firma.


Our last objective is the Hohlaubgrat on the Allalinhorn—the left-hand skyline ridge in this photo.


Leaving early from the Britannia hut, we enjoy another colorful sunrise over the high peaks.


Our route, foreshortened.


As we climb, we pull even with the top station of the "Alpin Metro", where our day's climb will end. In the background, from left to right: The Alphubel, Täsch, Dom, and Lenzspitze.


The terrain steepens near the top, to end in a tricky rock step just below the summit.


Mark and Peter have just surmounted the rock step! From here it's smooooooth sailin' (more or less).


Excelsior! (whatever that means). We arrive on top just in time for a tranquil summit shot before the busloads of families on the normal route swarm in.


We truly could not have been luckier with the weather. The views over to the Rimpfischhorn, Strahlhorn and Monte Rosa are enticing. Something to ponder for next year perhaps...

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