Mount Humphreys East Arête • July 2002

After working so hard to get acclimated in Peru, we thought it a shame to allow it to go to waste, and decided to make a quick trip of the East Arête of nearby Mount Humphreys.

This big peak, only a few feet shy of 14,000, is clearly visible from Bishop and is a fun, if long day's outing.

Other Recent Trips

Mount Humphreys as seen from Longley Lake. The East Arête is the left skyline. We approached this climb from the other side of the mountain, the South Fork of McGee Creek, gain the notch at the low point between point 12241 and Humphreys and followed the entire ridge, seen here, to the top.


Sunrise on the hike in. In early July the wild flowers were blooming like crazy.


Kathy climbing on the lower ridge. While it was about 100° in Bishop, the temperature was perfect at 13,000 feet.


Flowers and Kathy, about half way up.


Nice climbing.


A clean crack in a red wall is found near the top.


As we climbed, a large thunderhead developed to the west. This view is from near the summit looking west out toward Desolation Lake.


And a bit later, as we traversed the ridge to the northwest on the descent, the clouds darkened and hail and a bit of rain fell.


Descending miles of sand and talus, the typical Sierra descent.

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